Hantsport Pool
Nova Scotia's oldest operating outdoor Pool
Hantsport Pool
Hantsport Memorial Community Centre's outdoor pool will be operating from July 3rd - August 28th, 2024
Swim Times
Public Swim:
​Monday - Saturday: 2:00pm - 3:00pm
Tween/Teen Swim (ages 12-18):
​Thursday: 8:00pm - 9:00pm
​Adult Only/Lane Swims:
​Monday: 7:00pm - 8:00pm
Parent and Tot
​Introduce your tot to the water with the guidance of an instructor! We offer 4 classes per week for 8 weeks.
For registration, please email us at ​hmccpool@gmail.com
Monday 5:05-5:35pm
Tuesday FULL
Wednesday 11:55am-12:25pm
Thursday 5:40-6:10pm
Classes begin July 3,4,7,8 and run for 8 weeks
$60 per tot per session
Lesson Opportunities
Swimming Lessons
The HMCC pool is dedicated to reaching each child’s goal in the water, through individualized lesson plans.
​July 3rd - August 27th 2024
Mon-Fri: 9:00 - 12:25 Mon-Thur: 3:20 - 6:45
For registration, please email us at ​hmccpool@gmail.com
30 minute lessons
Private ( 1 kid, 1 instructor )
Duo ( 2 kids, 1 instructor )
$17.50 per lesson
Duo lessons will have an additional $10 fee PER LESSON
Annika Thorsen
Julia Newcombe
Gracelyn Lafitte
Hana Hutchinson
Grace Lewis
Payton Mills
Sophie Muttart
Cassidy Wasson
Bronze Medallion & Cross
Lifesaving Socitey certification
Get certified in Basic
and/or Intermediate
Workplace First Aid (Previously Emergency and Standard First Aid)
Candidates must be 13 or have completed Bronze Star
Training includes​
First Aid Certification
Water safety
Water Rescues
Prerequisites for Swimming Instructor and Lifeguard Certifications
Tuesdays 5:30pm-9:30pm
July 2-Aug 27
Friday July 12
For registration, please email us at hmccpool@gmail.com
Free Public Swim!
Exciting News from HMCC!
The Hantsport Memorial Community Centre is thrilled to announce that public swimming is free once again for the summer of 2024!
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the Province of Nova Scotia for their support. Our partnership with the Department of Communities, Culture and Heritage enables us to develop and promote our cultural resources for all Nova Scotians.